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What is TMJ ??

•       TMJ , short for the temporomandibular joints, are the hinges on both sides of your face that connect the lower jaw (mandible) to your skull so that you can eat , speak , swallow and yawn .  Each temporomandibular joint has two movement sections that control the gliding & hinging actions that open and close your mouth.  It is one of the smallest and most complex joints in your body

•       The TMJ joints work with the facial bones & different muscles to allow intricate jaw movements.  but if the communication between the TM Joints & facial muscles fail, you can experience Headaches, & Pain in the jaws, ears , as well as face

•       These symptoms can be diagnosed as TMJ disorder , TMJ dysfunction , or TMJD

•       Millions of people have TMJ disorders, yet, some providers still misunderstand the condition. Because of this, you may have had unnecessary medical treatments, surgery, or dental work.

•       Your TMJ condition may unfortunately only worsen with time if you do not seek treatment from a TMJ specialist Dentist.

•       The TMJ & Sleep Doc in East Haven , CT is a Specialist Dentist in both TMJ & Sleep disorders in both kids & adults .

•       We know your symptoms are real, & we have many ways to help you feel better and get on the road to healing.

•       ​We are different because we focus on the underlying cause of your Sleep & TMJ pain.


What causes TM Dysfunction or Disorder ?

•       Sleep Apnea

•       Bruxism ( grinding & clenching)

•       Macro trauma

•       Micro trauma 

•       Stress

•       Anxiety

•       Arthritis

•       Everyday wear & tear


TMJ Symptoms :

•       Pain, soreness, or tightness in your jaw muscles & surrounding facial areas

•       Jaw pain when you eat or whenever you move your jaw

•       Limited ability to open or move the mouth

•       A feeling that your bite has changed

•       Clicking, popping, sounds when you open or close your mouth

•       Pain on opening or closing the mouth

•       Clenching your teeth during the day

•       Teeth clenching and grinding while you’re asleep

•       Pain and tension in the neck, shoulders or ears

•       Sinus or eye pain

•       Frequent or unexplained headaches

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