People having Sleep Apnea issues may experience unexplained weight gain
There are 2 reasons for that
1.Too Tired To Exercise
2.Hormonal Imbalances
1 .. Too Tired To Exercise
Poor quality sleep leaves you with low energy to get up early in the morning & go to a Gym class
If you move less & less because you are constantly tired, chances are that the weight will start adding up
2 .. Hormonal Imbalance
Due to poor quality of sleep at night, the hormones that control hunger can become imbalanced
You may feel you need to eat more because of this hormone imbalance
Often, when people are tired, they reach for sweet snacks filled with empty calories to help give them energy
A desire to eat more calories paired with a lack of energy to exercise results in OBESITY
If you have questions or concerns about sleep disorders & how they may be affecting your quality of life, please call us for evaluation